Today's date is: March 28, 2025
Price is subject to change daily.
Due to market conditions, we are not able to guarantee that the price you place your order at will be the price we charge on your delivery date.
Minimum order of 100 gallons required. Upon filling, if tank accepts less than 100 gallons, an additional surcharge of $0.25 per gallon will be applied.
Discounts are available on orders in excess of 300 gallons.
We proudly service all of the following communities: Barrington, Burrillville, Central Falls, Cranston, Coventry, Cumberland, East Greenwich, East Providence, Exeter, Foster, Glocester, Johnston, Lincoln, North Kingston, North Providence, North Smithfield, Pawtucket, Providence, Scituate, Smithfield, Warwick, West Greenwich, West Warwick, and Woonsocket.
There are no pesky contracts or lock-ins here! At Scituate Oil, we specialize in COD (Collect on Delivery) home heating oil delivery for all of Rhode Island. Each day we set a low daily price per gallon. Simply call and place an order for however many gallons you would like to be delivered when you would like. We accept cash, check, and major credit cards. Our friendly team is more than happy to answer any questions you may have when ordering. We are licensed and insured in the state of Rhode Island.
Scituate Oil Company, Inc.
26 Green Hill Road
Johnston, RI 02919
Tel: (401) 944-9666
Fax: (401) 944-2882
We are a Rhode Island Fuel Assistance vendor.
Rhode Island Petroleum License #172 - Fuel Assistance Vendor #6127